If you are interested in some further reading about the presence of women in the music industry, check out the work of the following organisations:

The F-List - directory of female musicians in the UK, set up by Vick Bain.  

Womxn In Ctrl - a not-for-profit organisation set up to empower womxn in the entertainment, creative and business sections of the music industry.  Published the Seat At The Table report on diversity in the music industry.

The Annenberg Inclusion Initiative - research reports looking at the presence of women in the recording process (latest update 2021), as well as a 2021 report on inclusion in the music business.

Women In Vinyl - empowering women working in the music industry to create, preserve and improve the art of music on vinyl.

Book More Women - highlighting the gender imbalance on music festival line-ups.  

Keychange - European initiative working towards a gender balanced music industry.

Why Not Her? - a campaign aimed at amplifying the voices of womxn in music, entertainment and the arts.  
